Turbulence is a variable automatically provided inside of Turbulence test plans. It is the entry point for all
tests, and allows test plans to be defined.
Allows criteria to be defined that will fail the test if certain thresholds are violated. Injected automatically
into the [[TestPlan.breaker]] function.
A freeform predicate that can evaulate the entire [[SummaryResults]] object that records the executed test plan.
The predicate should return either true or false to pass or fail the test respectively.
A variable holder that can be injected into any function that supports injection. It is used to share variables
between virtual users and test plans. Variables can be attached like any normal JS object
(e.g. Global.myCustomVariable = 'MyValue';)
A function that determines whether or not to 'break' the Turbulence test (by returning a non-zero return code).
The function is passed the results object of the run and should return either true or false to indicate if the
run was successful or not, respectively.
closure: - The function that configures the build criteria.
Set the number of concurrent users to simulate during this test. Use in conjunction with [[rampUpPeriod]] to
slowly add load as the test runs. Cannot be combined with [[arrivalRate]]
The common interface that all step creating 'nodes' implement. These steps will be available when you have just
created a [[TestPlan]], entered an if statement, or started a loop.
Start an [[IfStep]]. An if step evaluates the predicate that is passed in before decided to execute. If the
predicate evaluates to false, the contents of the [[IfStep]] will not execute.
predicate: any - The predicate to evaluate. It is passed the result of the last step executed.